Sector: Agrochemical
Location: Huelva, Andalucìa (Spain)

Demo-site objectives
– To achieve an alternative supply of material that enables the industry to reduce its dependence on foreign raw materials supply.
– To take advantage of by-product streams by obtaining new and alternative raw material sources from them.
– To reduce consumption requirements from the treatment of alternative sources by integrating waste heat from reactions.
– To adapt the current process control and procedures to ensure the production of a quality product as well as health and safety conditions.
Demo-site achievements
- The pilot plant was installed for testing real conditions on a small scale
- H2SO4 tubular reactor designed
Company overview
FERTIBERIA, S.A. is the second largest Spanish capital company in the chemical sector, has a highly sound balance structure, upon which Grupo FERTIBERIA’s expansion is based. It is the largest fertilizer company from the Mediterranean Arc. Furthermore, FERTIBERIA is a member of BBI (Bio-Based Industries) Consortium, Fertilizers Europe (European Fertilizers Producers Association) and IFA (International Fertilizers Producers Association) among other international and national associations.
FERTIBERIA produces the most comprehensive range of intermediate and finished products. It produces solid and liquid simple and complex fertilizers, thus covering all the needs of today’s farmers, providing them with fertilizers for large-scale unirrigated crops and crops using traditional and drip irrigation methods, regardless of their weather and soil conditions.
Due to the diversity of agriculture products developed in Spain as a consequence of the peculiar climatological diversify in the different Spanish regions, the fertilizers sector in Spain is the most varied and acts as a testing laboratory for the different news products developed all over Europe. This is a real challenge for FERTIBERIA, that continuously develops new products adapted to new needs and fertilization applications developing.
The diversification policy fostered in recent years has allowed for strong growth and an increasingly relevant presence in other chemical sectors not related to agriculture. Industrial products currently represent 38% of FERTIBERIA’s revenue and 44% of the Group’s revenue.
Thus, FERTIBERIA’s presence in other industrial sectors as a supplier of raw materials to other large companies in diverse industries grows every day. The activities in the ammonia and derivatives industry, in which the Group is one of the main operators around the world, must be noted. Furthermore, FERTIBERIA is the only primary manufacturer of the AdBlue solution in Spain and one of the main manufacturers in the European Union.
Project Coordinator
Project Coordinator
Diego Redondo, PhD – Fundación CIRCE
Email: dredondo@fcirce.es
Francisca Galindo Paniagua – FERTIBERIA
Email: fragal@fertiberia.es