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RETROFEED - D2.2 Processes synergies and complementarities
In RETROFEED, core processes within the involved industrial sectors will be modified and advanced control and monitoring systems implemented to ensure adequate integration of the retrofitted equipment without changes in productivity. To facilitate adoption of new practices and aid in decision-making, a decision support system will be developed within each industry to respond to different key performance indicators which will be properly identified. Ultimately, the goal of RETROFEED is to provide industries with the necessary tools and strategies to incorporate variable, preferably biobased feedstock, leveraging on circular economy opportunities..
This report aims to identify how transferrable RETROFEED solutions are between the involved industrial sectors, and whether any industrial symbiosis relationships could arise between partner industries.

RETROFEED - D4.1 Benchmarking of available retrofitting support tools
In the last decades, digital tools have become the key for handling complexities and evaluate opportunities in multiple industrial sectors. Industry 4.0 is part of this trend and is opening the door to the next phase of industrial digitalization where data, advanced analytical capabilities and new modelling techniques are leveraged to increase productivity with a specific focus on sustainability.
This report gives an overview of the current state-of-the-art of the industrial digital landscape having the opportunity to examine 6 different global players in the industrial sector. The information gathered are integrated with the input received from European research centers and technology companies, consortium members and subject matter experts for specific industries.

RETROFEED - D11.1 Preliminary Market Analysis
One of the key objectives of RETROFEED is to ensure the exploitation and commercialization of the knowledge and technical results obtained from the execution of the technical work packages in order to pave the way for the market uptake of RETROFEED in the industrial environment around Europe.
The following document was prepared to provide the basis of the preliminary analysis in the framework of the RETROFEED project to analyze market application perspectives, risk and opportunities for the uptake of the RETROFEED project solutions. The document analyses the current worldwide and European market situation with focusing on the ceramic, cement, aluminium, steel and the agrochemical (fertilizer production) sectors and its latest trends, future projections to ensure an enhanced downstream and upstream performance of the production chain.