Circular economy concepts applied to retrofitting

Bio-base sources as alternative feedstock

Steel industry residues and other similar residues for other industrial sectors as alternative feedstock
Retrofeed goals
Goal 1
Increase knowledge in REII processes by deploying advanced modelling techniques and implementing a new monitoring infrastructure in different steps of the production chains
Goal 3
Adapt REII equipment for the provision and use of bio-based whether as fuel or raw materials, thus replacing traditional feedstock for improving the processes of environmental performances
Goal 5
Develop a Decision Support System for assessing the best retrofitting options and operation plan of the improved processes in order to achieve a high impact over the whole production chain
Goal 2
Implement a circular economy approach leveraging on retrofitting for the introduction on by-product and waste streams as alternative feedstock
Goal 4
Improve the control system of retrofitted processes in order to deal with a higher variability in feedstock while improving their overall technical, economic and environmental performances
Goal 6
Ensure results replication and the exploitation of the retrofitting potential in REIIs throrugh a retrofitting methodology, contributions to standardisation bodies and capacity building activities